Saturday, January 14, 2017

California Population Projections 2015-2030 – Summary


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California Population Projections 2015-2030 - Summary

Walter Deal

January, 2017


The California Department of Finance produces projections for the California population, including breakdowns by age and race.  The raw numbers can be found at Table P-2 from

The numbers of current interest were the projected changes from 2015 to 2030.  The executive summary is:

1.  A relatively large increase in the Hispanic portion of the population (no surprise there – the growth in the Hispanic population will account for about 3/4 of the total growth in the population of California), a relative increase in the Asian population, and a relative decrease in the White population.

2.  A LARGE relative and absolute increase in the population of seniors (age 65+).  In urban areas such as Los Angeles and San Diego Counties, essentially ALL of the increase in population from 2015 to 2030 will due to the increase in the population of seniors.  If all people were euthanized at age 65 (a modified Logan’s Run solution), the population of California would essentially be static.

This discussion is divided into four posts:

Statewide projections

Los Angeles County

Riverside County

San Diego County

These counties were chosen to be reasonably representative of the California demographics – feel free to look at the other counties!

These four discussions are also available in pdf format in Google Drive files at the following:

Statewide projections:

Los Angeles County projections:

Riverside County projections:

San Diego County projections:
